Solar simulation (SoSi)

Solar simulation components for material, ageing and emissions testing (cold start chambers), A/C testing, engine/motor cooling

Solar radiation plays a very important role in our lives. Its spectrum ranges from 100 nm to 4,000 nm. It comprises UVC, UVB, UVA, visible light and infrared waves.
This radiation, in particular short-wave radiation, has effects on most modern materials. This means that before materials can be approved, they must be tested by exposing them to solar radiation. This is done in so-called open-air weathering facilities or in special climatic chambers with integrated solar simulation. Virtually any environmental conditions (cold, heat, rain, altitude and solar irradiation) can be simulated in these chambers.
Our solar simulation components simulate the spectrum of natural sunlight defined by CIE 20 – 80 of 270 – 3000 nm. Several standards have been established here, such as DIN 75220 (Ageing Automobile Components), MIL-STD 810 (Environmental Test on Military Field), IEC 68 (Basic environmental testing procedures), SC03-Test (EPA Motor Vehicle Emissions Test) etc.
Our solar simulation components comply with all these standards and are adapted to suit the respective requirements.
Irradiation systems with IR lamps offer an inexpensive solar simulation variant. They are mainly used where the material to be tested merely needs to be heated up and only heat radiation is required.

Solar simulation systems for material, ageing and emissions testing

Solar simulation for solar modules (photovoltaics)

Photovoltaic (PV) modules are expected to operate reliably for more than 20 years in constantly changing, often quite adverse ambient conditions. For this reason it is essential to test the photovoltaic modules under extreme conditions in order to ensure their quality.
These tests include various quality tests, defined in the guidelines IEC 61215 and IEC 61646, involving the application of artificial loads to the materials of PV modules.
In response to these requirements and based on IEC 61215 / IEC 61646, Dr. Hönle AG has developed irradiation components which can be used primarily for tests such as light soaking, hotspot or UV preconditioning.

Solar simulation for solar modules