LED UV units


LED-UV systems are used in various fields of applications and have already established themselves alongside conventional UV lamps.

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LED Powerline

In addtion to classic UV technology Hönle also offers a wide range of UV LED products: our LED Powerline series

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LED Powerline Focus

LED UV high-performance dryer with special focusing optic

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The jetCURE LED is a high-performance array for interdeck drying (pinning) and final drying in printing applications

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bluepoint LED | bluepoint LED eco

UV LED point source with an extremely long service life.

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LED Power Pen 2.0

This handy LED point source is available in the wavelengths 365 nm and 405 nm. Depending on the wavelenght it is able to generate UVA-intensities of either 10.000 mW/cm² or 16.000 mW/cm².

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LED Pen 2.0

Reliable LED point source

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LED Spot W & LED powerdrive

Most intensive UV irradiation on lager areas and extremly small device design due to external water cooling.

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LED Spot 40 IC

The LED Spot 40 IC was especially designed for applications where the emitted light of a LED point source is just not enough but a standard flood unit would be oversized.

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LED Spot 100 IC / HP IC

The LED Spot 100 IC / HP IC has been developed for all applications requiring a highly intensive UV irradiance over a large area

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LED Cube 100 IC & LED Cube 350 IC

UV irradiation chamber for use in the laboratory or for manual production.

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UV Conveyor Belt ConVey LED

UV Conveyor Belt ConVey LED - Flexible use for various applications

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A high-intensity hand-held UV lamp. It is easy to transport, ergonomically designed and ideal for mobile use.

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LEDLINE 500 is a highly intensive UV-LED line. Its compact design makes it easy to transport and thus ideal for mobile use.

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